
Monday, October 22, 2007

One Crazy Night

Friday ended up being a total disaster! I mean, there were definitely fun moments, but overall...DISASTER.

I'll start from the beginning...
I was running late for some reason, I can't remember. Bethany and Jayme were already out and I was supposed to meet them at a club/lounge called Red Door. Also meeting up with us were Megan and Jenna. By the time I got to Red Door it was about 11:30 and they were ready to head somewhere else. Jayme's friend, Addy was in town from Austin and was also tagging along. The problem with that was, Addy is only 20. What the hell was Jayme thinking bringing an underage girl with us?! I mean that totally limits our options! So Bethany pulled me aside and basically said she wanted to ditch them. And both of us really wanted to stop by work for some free shots. But since Jayme works there too, it wouldn't be a good idea for us all to show up with a minor in tow.
Bethany explained to Jayme and Addy that some of her guy friends were meeting us at our bar, so we'd meet up with them afterwards. I texted Jenna and Megan to tell them the change of plans. So Bethany and I headed over there feeling very relieved!
Bethany's guy friends were already there, (I can't recall any of their names), and Megan and Jenna showed up shortly after we arrived. We had a couple rounds of shots on the house, and then decided to head over to Whiskey Creek. I saw John and Gavin too. They were both working. And for the record, Jenna thinks Gavin and I should date. ((sigh))
Anyways, when we got to Whiskey, we kind of split into 2 groups: me, Jenna, and Megan, and Bethany and her friends. For some reason, this pissed Jenna off and she kept making snide remarks like, "Your friends totally suck Peyton. I can't believe they're ignoring you." That got old pretty fast. I mean, I didn't feel like I was being ditched or anything because I was hangin' with my friends, and Bethany was with hers! Big deal! But Jenna didn't really see it that way I guess.
While we were waiting for drinks at the bar I started to scope the place out. The first person I saw was Eric The Skeaze. Seems I run into him everywhere these days! And he's always with a different girl! Ugh... The second person I saw was was me and Jenna's other cousin, Paul. This came as a big surprise because he recently got out of rehab...for cocaine addiction. He's pretty much the family scandal. But apparently, rehab "really changed him". Or so he says... He was with a date (he only dates Asian girls), but they both ended up latching onto our group. Around this time, Paul was leaning in to tell me something and his nose bumped my eye, and out popped my contact lense! That was when the night realllly started to go downhill.
Jayme and Addy showed up around the same time that Bethany and her gang disappeared. So we all decided to head down the street to Reef, where Hot Dereck works. Yes, that's what I'm calling him now. Hot, Unattainable, Bad For Me Dereck. ((sigh)) And sure enough, he was there, looking hot as ever. He bought us a round of shots, and I bought him a couple too. This was definitely the highlight of my night, seeing as the rest pretty much sucked. I was in a horrible mood when we got there! Jenna kept apologizing for her rude comments but then trying to justify them because she was "just looking out for me". Which, I understand, but nobody wants to be told that their friends suck. Especially by someone who doesn't even know them.
Anyways, I made Dereck smile for a couple pix while he was working. Heehee, and then I continued to look at them throughout the night. But we stayed at Dereck's bar until close and then headed back over to our work. Bethany called and asked if I could drive her over to Jayme's where her car was because Jayme and Addy were nowhere to be found. They came to Reef with us, but ducked out early. So we all met back up at our bar where they were closing everything down. We hung out for a little while, and then decided to go. I was gonna drive Megan to her car, when I noticed I locked my keys inside. Yup. As if my night couldn't get any more shitty. So I went back inside and asked all the guys if any of them were good with locked doors. Sure enough, Nick and Frank came to my rescue! And they actually managed to get it open in a matter of like...5 minutes! It was a miracle!!
So Jenna and Megan headed home and then I took Bethany to get her car. On the drive, we started chatting and decided to go eat at our favorite 24 hour cafe. We ended up staying there for a couple of hours just talking and sharing stories. It was fun!
So even though the night started bad, it ended ok.

Quick summary of last night: After work, Nick and I decided to stay for a couple of drinks and watch the Red Sox game. John and Valerie (one of the waitresses/bartenders) were there too. So we ended up staying for most of the night, and I ended up getting a bit tipsy, and THEN I ended up taking John home again, and spending the night. That turned out to be almost a carbon copy of the last time I stayed at his house... I'm still pondering on that subject...

Tomorrow morning I'm going to Austin!! Izzie and Shane got invitations to the Fall Out Boy AFTER PARTY!!! I'm soooo excited. Not really sure if the band will actually be there, but either way, I'm due for another trip to our state's great capital! So hopefully I'll have some good dish for you guys when I get back!

Mitch Of The Day:
"I rented a car. I didn't really need one, I just wanted to make one less available. I wanted one businessman on the bus with no car."


Anonymous said...

Any chance you could make a quick Who's who guide. All these names have me so confused. lol

soleil said...

finally caught up with your archives. love the blog. can't wait to hear about your latest trip to austin. i love me some austin too. (i live in ft worth).

Anonymous said...

yup... i'm getting confused too... :) hehe! sorry. :)