
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The End of An Era

OMG! I have so much to write about today, but it's all completely unrelated. Lol. So I'm gonna try to keep this as organized as possible.

1) Does anyone else read Cosmo's Bedroom Blog? Because Jessica Hulett just ended it!! I'm so sad! I LOVE Bedroom Blog and it was one of the biggest contributing inspirations for my blog! The first time I read it, it just got me thinking like...Omg. I could totally write about this stuff and it would all be true! But now that K's blog is over, it's also got me thinking how much I appreciate you all as my readers! I mean I probably wouldn't bother to write if no one was reading. It's just nice to know there's someone out there listening, ya know? So anyway, I'm sad that she's ended the blog, but now I feel like I need to step it up over here so you guys still have something to read!

2) If any of you are ever confused about someone I refer to in the blog, use my search engine! (In the voice of Rob Lowe) I literally spent hours, a few months back, going through all my posts and adding labels and tags for everyone and everything so that you guys (and me, hehe) would be able to find stuff more easily. And since I am a real person, it's hard for me to keep track of EVERYONE I know and everyone I blog about. I know it can get confusing. I mean think about how many people you interact with within just one year, and imagine trying to tell someone about every single one of those people, and then expecting them to remember them all. Cuz that's basically what you guys have to do. Hahaha. So yea, use the search engine in the left margin, underneath the list of posts, etc.

3) Tomorrow I'm taking up piano again! I found a really badass (albeit, expensive!) teacher in the area. I'm excited but also nervous, because things didn't go so well with my last piano teacher. I mean I liked him, I just didn't really get what I wanted to out of the lessons and it ended up just turning into another source of stress. I actually had a nightmare about it last night! Ugh... But today I practiced and it reminded me why I'm doing this: because I love it! And from what I've read/emailed with this new teacher about his methods, I think it will be a pleasant and rewarding experience. So I'm excited! I'm just going to do it every other week too, so I won't be trying to cram too much into my already hectic schedule.

4) My cousin Lexi and I are planning a trip to Harry Potter World in January! I'm so excited!! She's like the only person I know who's as big of a HP nerd as I am, and she's never been to the park, so I suggested we go together! Lol. And January is the perfect time to go because flight prices are so low after the holidays, and the weather will be nice and balmy in Orlando around that time. :) Lexi is in her first semester of college, so she had to get the go ahead from her parents, money-wise. But her birthday falls just around Christmas, so she's getting the trip as a Birthday/Christmas present. Unfortunately I'm not going to be so lucky, but I got time to save.

5) Speaking of the holidays, did I mention that Sophie and I are taking our Dad to one of Todd's games?? He scored us tickets for Christmas break! I'm so excited!!!

6) I have a new admirer. His name is Ted. Lol. Ted and I have a few random connections. One being that he's Brent's brother Taylor's roommate, and two being he's a friend of one of my coworkers (Abbie). I met him at the bar when he came in to visit Abbie one day, and he's been persistently pursuing me ever since. And even though I'm not really attracted to him, I like him. Not like like, I just...like him. He's cool, and funny. And did I mention persistent? Anyway, I feel like I should probably introduce him to you guys now, in case something comes up in the near future, which I think it will...

Well I think that's all I have for now, but I'll definitely be back later this week! Ciao Bellas!


http://sweetcanadian.blogspot.com/ said...

I don't follow bedroom blog, i wish i could read it but their link start at the beginning does not work (don't know why they have it up). Maybe now they will start another one that those who haven't been following in forever can actually read it.

I like your blog :) you remind me of my younger self.

Anonymous said...

Glad you aren't ending too, I was a faithful bedroom blog reader and was sad today! It seems like all the blogs I used to read are over and have not found any new ones! Look forward to hearing more about your adventures!

Soccer16HHS said...

I am reading your blog <3 So keep writing people are listening.

Rachael said...

I absolutely love bedroom blog, and I'm pretty sure I found your blog after searching online for something similar to keep me entertained when she didn't update the bedroom blog. Now I check your blog DAILY to see if you've updated! :)

Candice said...

I was sooo sad to see Bedroom Blog end! I've been following it since it was started just in the magazine. And I totally found your blog from a comment in Bedroom Blog. Keep writing :)

Anonymous said...

I was also a loyal reader of the bedroom blog, and stumbled across yours (in the comments section, I think), and have been an avid reader of yours ever since! Thanks for taking the time out of your obviously busy schedule to keep those of us with much less interesting lives entertained. :))

Jessica Marie said...

I second the other girls- I saw your blog in the BB comments. I never comment, but I'm following! :)

Jennifer said...

So I read this and instantly had to go to Cosmo to check that out... what an ending!

Also, yay for Harry Potter World!! My husband and I are going there Dec 2nd, and Disney World, for our 2nd anniversary and I'm SOOO excited! Any tips??

Glad I still have a blog to read :)

Krystin said...

I'm with the others... LOVED the bedroom blog and found out about your blog thru some of the comments. that was about a year ago, I think. Love reading about your adventures! Keep it up!

Ashley said...

I was sad to see Bedroom Blog end. I needed more!

I love reading your blog though. Keep on writing!