
Friday, April 4, 2008

A Farewell Message...

Ok look. I know to most of you, I'm just this...faceless, blogging entity, but I am a real person. With real feelings. And I've been putting myself out there, as flawed, and human as I am, in this blog, for you all to read. And it was fun at first, but it's not fun anymore. It seems like all I get is criticism from most people. And I know I shouldn't let it bother me, because none of you really know me, but nobody can handle constant criticism all the time. Nobody likes to come home from a rough day and read about what a shitty person they are on their own blog. Nobody wants to second guess everything they do, because some group of strangers thinks you date too many guys.
In the end, it all just starts to wear you down.
So I'm not even going to bother defending myself. Say whatever you will about me...I'm pussing out, or I'm a slut, or a bad friend or...whatever.
I'm just done.


Anonymous said...

Wow I don't think your a slut or anything close to it. I enjoy reading your blog because you life is so much more interesting then mine! Maybe you should just make it so people can't write comments, because I really like reading about it. Or maybe you can make it private and only invite people you want to read it? Just some suggestions.

Miss Punk said...

Honestly i love reading your blog, just make it private or dont let people leave comments ! you shouldnt have to give up something you enjoy just because of some rude people.

Anonymous said...

Please dont go I read u everyday and u kinda give me some hope !!dont go

Anonymous said...

I agree with kk and miss punk you shouldn't let someone stop you from doing what you enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I think part of the reason you got feedback on your personal life is because you actually asked for it on occassion. You should just make it private or not allow comments. Then you can write whatever you want and leave the nastiness behind.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

wow... i really like your blog and i think it's bull shit for people to judge you without even knowing you... i rarely comment but today i felt the need... you are a young girl trying to live life to the fullest and meet "the one"... how would someone do that without testing the waters with different guys? i am in the same boat, only i dont have a blog and post about it... you seem to have a very good attitude and are very secure, so i hope what these idionts say doesn't affect you too much... i will be really disappointed if you do end this blog, cause it was the first one i found and i really enjoy reading it, but i will understand if you need to end it in order to stay optimistic about people... i wish you the best with everything you do!!!!


Anonymous said...

Quit yer crying and shut off the comments. Good grief.

Anonymous said...

OK now! You know bloggers will get comments and criticism all the time, it's part of blogging.

Babe, you continue to write and like a few said "don't allow comments" or ignore the ones you don't like.

We would miss you if you left. Don't go!!

Anonymous said...

Please don't stop blogging! I love reading your blog! Like everyone else said, turn off the comments section. You're blogging for yourself to get things off your chest. I do that once in awhile too and it makes me feel better. I don't think you're a bad person or a slut or whatever. You're young and you're allowed to be who and whatever you want to be. Just don't let those negative comments affect you. Maybe they wish they had your life because theirs isn't so great. Hehe!! So, PLEASE DO NOT STOP BLOGGING!!!!

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that you feel that way, I've enjoyed reading your blog.. I hope you find what your looking for and good luck with your life... you seem like a real cool person, don't let others bring you down.......... :0) - Shorty...

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that you feel that way, I've enjoyed reading your blog.. I hope you find what your looking for and good luck with your life... you seem like a real cool person, don't let others bring you down.......... :0) - Shorty...

Anonymous said...

TURN YOUR COMMENTS OFF! It's as simple as that! If you can't take the heat of people criticizing you then don't give them the option to. If your just expecting people to leave comments about how great you are then you have another thing coming. I personally don't get the way you live your life. But I still continue to read it cuz it's entertaining. So if you don't like hearing people disagree with you, like myself, then I suggest you turn the comments off.

Unknown said...

do those people's opinions really matter? i say eff them. if they don't like what they are reading then they should stop reading your blog.
i don't think you are slut or any of that other b.s. that they say. i think what you are doing is cool. have fun. nothing wrong with that. if you can wake up in the morning and be happy with who you are, then by all means keep doing what you are doing.

eff the haters!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!! please tell me this isnt happenning... dont stop writing!!!! as everyone said turn off the comments and ppl who dont like what youre wriiting should just go freaking read something else, i mean there are a whole lot of boring blogs on the net that they would maybe find not offensive thus they should just go read those! but please if you still enjoy writing, keeep on doing it!!!! i love reading it, it reminds me of what i went true when i was looking for mr wonderful. trust me, i too made what some ppl would call "mistakes" but you know what i realized? you get out of every one of those experience a more experimented person and it defines who you are. dont judge yourself according to what some ppl you dont even know say about you, keep your head up high, you seem like a great person whos only problem is beeing too passionate ( i dont mean this in the wrong way). we all dream of mr right and im confident you will find him eventually!
hope to hear from you soon!

Anonymous said...

I agree that if you are only seeking comments that tell you how wonderful you are then you should shut off the comment option or quit blogging. Obviously people will not agree with some of the things you say and/or do, but that is life. If you really want to stop blogging, then stop blogging, but don't make it into this thing where the readers are all the cause of your decision because they (we) make it unpleasant, or unrewarding for you. You should do it because you want to and if you don't want to anymore then quit. Clearly it is your choice. If you don't want to hear others' thoughts about you (good or bad) then turn off the comments. It's simple really Peyton. Show them all how mature you are and make a choice one way or another. Anything else is a cop-out.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you feel that way and if you leave I'll be really bummed. I look forward to reading about your exciting life every day, and when I have to wait a few days for a new blog I go thru withdrawals. Please just turn off the comment section and keep writing!!! Or ignore those jealous girls who only have something mean to say....

Anonymous said...

omg i love your blog please dont close it

Anonymous said...

so i have never commented but now i must.......please don't close the blog......after perezhilton.com its the main blog i read.....your life is so interesting and you have a fascinating writing style. i think you're really brave to write on here, even if no one knows who you are. screw the haters, it's just jealousy and cowards anyways. look at all these comments........im sure tons of people would be upset if you left. please reconsider:(

Anonymous said...

FUCK those idiots who leave nasty comments about you.......i think you are fabulous

Anonymous said...

omg noooooooooooooooooooooooo dont go. your awesome blog is a highlight of my day

Anonymous said...

please dont leave look we all love you

Annie said...

i dont think you should quit writin. You are a great writer and its ur life! You shouldnt let people they are mad cause they dont get to do what u do get to you. You should make the Blog a non comment one, only people can read it. But dont quit cause of these tards. Its your life not theres. Dont let it get you down.

Anonymous said...

Hey now I don't think anyone thinks you are a slut!! Personally I really enjoy reading and I hope you don't leave. But of course you must do what you feel is best. But please keep us readers in consideration as obviously there are alot of us (see above!!)

Unknown said...

please please please please please don't leave, reading this is one of the highlights of my day when you take awhile to post new stuff i miss it. really i will be very sad if you leave

Anonymous said...

don;t let people leave comments but please do not stop blogging, I love reading you

Anonymous said...

Don't stop blogging! Your blog is the only one I've ever stuck with, because it's interesting, funny, and exciting.
You're not a slut. How are you going to find the right guy unless you keep putting yourself out there? He's not just going to show up on your doorstep. BJ wasn't the one for you. When you find him, you'll know, and it won't be so hard for you to be in a relationship.
I check everyday for new posts, so please don't stop. Turn the comments off, the haters arn't going to stop picking your life apart because they have nothing better to do, and they know it bothers you.
Look at all of us who like you for who you are, and seriously enjoy your blog. Please keep writing!!

Anonymous said...

omg so........i will die if you stop blogging. i wish you will not leave and let us who actually enjoy reading keep to enjoy and screw the haters

Anonymous said...

they're right, you know. life has to go on. you can't please everybody but a lot of us do like you for who you are. besides, screw those who don't like you. they're either insecure or just have too much time in their hands that they have nothing better to do than pick on other people's lives, when in truth, their lives stink.

we would sorely miss you. please don't stop writing. you may not have everybody saying you're a great person but there's more than a handful of us who actually are rooting for you and your (mis)adventures in life and love. hey... you're young, you're smart, you're talented and you're beautiful. a few mistakes here and there are okay. how can you learn if everything you do seem to be done out of "perfection" right?

i don't think you're a slut and all the people who have commented don't think you are either. so what if you "date" around, that's normal. so what if you'd written about who you slept with or kissed? it's what every girl does. after all, you have to kiss a few frogs before you can meet your prince as the saying goes. I know i have. you're as normal as every girl out there is. don't let other people take what you enjoy, which is blogging.

don't give up just yet. *sighs*

soleil said...

that's too bad. that just reminds me of erica's diary. she stopped blogging too because of nasty commentators and i still miss her. i like reading this blog because it's like bedroom blog but it's a real person writing about their actual dating adventures, not a fictional tale of a fictional girl and her fictional dating adventures. i really hope you reconsider. i agree with other people, turn comments off if they're really getting to you. but if you are no longer getting enjoyment from blogging then i respect that too. ultimately, it's your choice. but you will be missed.

Anonymous said...

please don't leave

Anonymous said...

wow im really shocked!!! so judging from these comments there are AT LEAST 30-plus people who enjoy reading and don't think any of those things you just listed. i say at least because this is the first time i've ever commented and i check your blog almost every day. It has become a source of inspiration and amusement for me, so i really hope you don't leave. We all want you to stay. xxx

Anonymous said...

honestly, i wish you would read these comments and see how much we love and admire you. please reconsider.

Anonymous said...

please stay! is this a belated april fools day joke?

Anonymous said...

I'm with KK and Miss Punk. I haven't read your blog since I had my baby a month ago and I really missed it only to come back and find out your not going to post any more : ( Well I wish you all the best and much success.

*Amber* aka Suzy SINsation said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
*Amber* aka Suzy SINsation said...

I love your blog! I really hope you keep writing. It's a hard decision, but you gotta do what's best for you - whether that's not blogging any more, turning off comments, or going "subscription only". If you go subscription just please invite me! :-D

(Sorry, I accidentally deleted my own post the first time. Doh!)