
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thanks Guys!!

Wow! Thank you all for your comments and suggestions! My mom saw my haircut today and she says it looks beautiful and sexy and that I'm overreacting. And she's probably right. I just freaked because my hair is very fine, and it didn't come out looking the way I expected. Here's what I wanted it to look like:



But it's little shorter when it's straight, and not as angled in the front. I just need to find some really good product for my roots to give it more body. And I'm gonna experiment with hot rollers, which I have yet to do. But either way, when I'm in Miami I'm just going to act like I LOVE it and not complain to anybody, especially Todd or Laura. And I'm going to have a marvelous time! End of story.


Jen said...

Good for you! :) Hope you have a great time this weekend. Who knows, maybe Laura will end up confiding in you in a drunken stuper and you can find out whats going on in her head about Todd. :)

B said...

Keep up the positive thinking/attitude! Have a great time this weekend and take a pic of your hair so you can shows us how it came out

Anonymous said...

good for you! i like your rational conclusion to the problem! have a blast in miami and can't wait to hear what happens! i would say i'm rooting for todd's team, but even though i have an idea of what team that is, i am not 100% positive!


Anonymous said...

I like the good attitude! You will have a blast. :) Do it wavy - this will give it volume without taking away too much length. Spray a section of hair, hold the barrel up and down with the handle toward the ceiling, and wrap the piece of hair around the outside of the barrel. It makes for great waves when they relax a little!

Anonymous said...

Can we see pictures of the pretty dress you got? I need dress ideas for a formal dinner party, so it'd be nice to have some suggestions. Have a great time at the Superbowl, too. So jealous!

Anonymous said...

I am 99 percent sure know how "Todd" is and he ROCKED it last night at the Superbowl!!! I bet you are soo excited! We need an update please! What happened with Laura?

DDgirl said...

Hey Peyton,

I hope you had a good time in Miami and can't wait to read about it!

Take care


PS I'm also sure your haircut rocks!!

Jen said...

Anxious to hear how your trip went, pls post soon. :)

Nic said...

How was your weekend?? Must have been amazing.

Hope you haven't worried too much about your haircut, it'll probably have looked gorgeous. And if you acted like you thought it was exactly what you wanted, it will look that way to more people