
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


1) I am not asking ANYONE for money. If you have the means, and want to donate to help me buy a new camera, that's great, and I cannot thank you enough. But I am in NO WAY trying to take advantage of you guys as my readers. So if you're not comfortable donating money, then DON'T! I don't claim to be poor, or homeless, or starving. I am simply a girl in her 20's, getting a college education and trying to get by on a part-time job with student loans. G's...
2) This blog is NOT PG rated!!! I am 27 years old, and therefore I write about the experiences of a 27 year old. NOT a 14 year old! So if your kids are reading this, maybe they shouldn't be. Not my problem.
3) Someone asked me something about a new blog?? This is the only blog I have, and the only blog I plan to have. I created a new donation page because my sister made the original one and it has our names and photos on it, as well as the names and photos of many people who have donated. I know for a fact that Sophie wouldn't be comfortable with me sharing her personal information with a bunch of strangers (let alone me, who blogs about all my deepest darkest secrets!), which is why I created the donation page specifically to post here on the blog. It's not a scam! I'm just trying to protect myself and others.

Hopefully that clears everything up...?


Anonymous said...

I thought you were pretty clear from the beginning!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe some lady bitched you out because her daughter reads your blog.. how are you supposed to know or control that! You aren't Taylor Swift.. you aren't trying to be a 14-year-old's role model.

Rebecca James said...

First of all thank you very much for letting me know in this post that you are a 27 year old woman. I was under the impression you were 18/19. My daughter knows what I allow and do not allow. 14 Year olds will find a way to get what they want and she wanted to read your blog. she will be dealt with accordingly.

Second I apologize for my tone in the last comment. You are not a child and had I known I would have showed some respect. I am a respectful person and I would never lash out at an adult with such bravado. I thought I was scolding a child. And I do hope you understand that when you feel your child is being taken advantage of your first instinct is to protect.

Lastly I wanted to offer you some advice. My daughter directed me to the post about you moving to chicago, crying over a breakup, and the post about your camera. She had no problem convincing me you were a 18/19 year old girl. Maybe it is time for you to do some self reflection. Your maturity level seems to be lagging. I always told my daughter you were too young to try to settle down but now that I know your age I will say maybe it is because you are slightly immature. The commitment you are looking for will come from a man who is looking for the same things in a woman. The part time bartender they would love to "hook" up with but most would never consider a relationship with. You seem lost and just floating. Get yourself grounded. Concentrate on what you want in life and what your goals are. When you gain that confidence and that happiness within yourself. All the rest will follow. I wish you all the best.

Krystin said...

That's my bad!! I read "separate page" and totally thought you meant another website for your blog. Sorry for the confusion! I can't believe that lady lets her 14 year old read your blog. Really? And bitching at you about your donation page? Whatever... Not worth your time.

Anonymous said...

I agree, you were completely clear and the woman who commented about her 14 year old is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

*Disclaimer to the 14 year old:
You ARE old enough to know what is and IS NOT appropriate material for you to be reading or viewing. The internet can make things easier for you to access, but you are still in control of your actions.
If you would blush reading ANY part of this blog or comments out loud in front of your mother, father, teachers at school, grandmother... then, as a 14 year old, that is a sign that you need to find a different website to spend your time on.
If, for some reason, your parents have read this blog and given you permission to read it, then they should also have enough trust in you to be 'internet smart' and realize that no one can force you to spend money or give personal information over the internet.

Peyton said...

Dear Rebecca,

I know my blog has lots of pretty pictures of mermaids and Disney characters on it, and I know I shed tears from time to time over boys. But guess what, this blog IS A SELF-REFLECTION. I write, because it is therapeutic to me. I appreciate your apology and recant, but if I could just snap my fingers and have a career and a man, don't think you I would? That's exactly why I moved to Chicago and I'm getting another degree. Because I wanna get my shit together! I don't claim to be the most responsible, or the most mature person. But who really wants to be that person??
I think I'm doing what's best for me, and I think I know what's best for me a lot better than you do. I am pursuing something I am passionate about, and if that means I have to bartend part time, then so be it.
I will admit that I spend more time floating than I do being grounded, but life is messy. And I'm doing the best that I can.
As for the guys, I can't say I know a single woman who's figured them out yet.
Do you??

Anonymous said...

Well now i feel bad thinking that lady was a nut. Her apology was nice. Poor 14 yr old though. Sounds like she is in alot of trouble. :(

Shannon said...

Uhm, HELLO Rebecca James. An 18/19year old IS an adult. Not a child. An adult who would be college age and going through and experiencing things far above the maturity level of a 14 year old. Basically you are saying that since you thought she was a teenager that it was ok to be disrespectful. There is such a thing as parental controls for the internet. I suggest you learn how to use them instead of lashing out at people who write a personal blog.

Beautiful Disaster said...


The mothers apology was nice and all, but don't let her convince you any of this is your fault. I am a 28 year old buisiness women who has been told so many times I am the most responsible caring person in the world, and I have yet to find a man tha will treat me as I should be treated. Yrs, there are a lot of douche bags out there who I can date, but a gentleman is hard to come by. And that goes for married people too. Most marriages are miserable and thats not what I want either. You are not immature or childish. You are looking for love and commitment. A best friend. You aren't settling for anything less and for that you should be commended...not scolded. She needs to go be a "mom" to her deviant child.

Liz said...


Just a thought...while your blog is obviously not a sex blog or anything, there is a bit of "mature content". Maybe you should change your settings so the content warning page appears. That way people are clear before opening your blog that a minor probably shouldn't read it. Then people like Rebecca have no standing because its not as if her daughter wasn't on notice =)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and that lady is an idiot it's your blog and your life and you can do with it what you want to do. I am 21 and feel your blog is great and shes crazy for letting her 14 year old read it anyways! She needs to be a parent and watch what her daughter is doing. Her yelling at you is ridiculous you are an adult and if you were 18 that's still an adult! Sorry she pissed me off for yelling at you but keep blogging we have your back =]

Anonymous said...

am i missing something? didn't sound like the lady said anything bad this time. LOL everyone is so defensive. We don't always have to kiss the authors ass. LOL :)

Anonymous said...
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Krystin said...

I just want to say I agree completely with Beautiful Disaster's comment. Don't ever settle for less than what you deserve! There's nothing wrong with dating different guys and having fun while searching for Mr. Right For You!